Thursday, 31 March 2011


En aquesta ocasió els alumnes de 3r cicle han creat escultures amb materials diversos i amb intencions diferents. Han creat objectes realistes i altres abstractes. Ens hem adonat que no tots els materials són iguals a l'hora de treballar, de vegades es trenquen i en altres ocasions es necessita més temps,...
Aquí teniu el que hem estat fent.

Sunday, 13 March 2011


Here are some videos of our Artist Corner at first cycle.
Louis, our language assistant, is explaining some pictures of JOAN MIRÓ.
This is the way we teach Art in our Artist Corner: We use real language, pictures to help children understand the instructions, and we create a relaxed atmosphere that will maintain pupil's curiosity and empower their creativity and sel-expression.

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Exploring Joan Miro's bodies

At first cycle, we are studying one of the first surrealists artists, Joan Miró. We have discussed the difference between real bodies and abstract bodies.